Ontario Nostagia Drag Racers Inc.





Safe -——/

If you are a sponsor and wish to renew, or are a new sponsor, please click here and you will be redirected to a PayPal page with optional donation amounts available to you.

Click on the “BUY NOW” button above and it will take you to a PayPal page. You do not need a PayPal account, just a credit card. It is totally secure, but costs you $31.00 in lieu of $30 cash or cheque.

New Members

Please Click box below.

We need your Information too!

When paying by PayPal, if you are new or a returning member whose contact information has changed, please click on this text box and fill out the form which will pop up and then click on the email button and it will be sent to us. Thanks for your cooperation and support

By Mail:

Memberships are $30 per year. 

You can send a cheque to:   


S. Tannahill 

64 McManus Rd.,


……also PayPal and E-transfers

If you are not sure if you have renewed for this year please call Dave Opie at: 289-668-7179, or Facebook Messenger, to find out if you need to renew. Thanks

Ontario Nostalgia Drag Racers Inc    Canada is our home

Southern Ontarios longest-running Nostalgia drag race group


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