Ontario Nostagia Drag Racers Inc.

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if you cannot read them

Schedule Now Posted 

NEW Break times for Classes

Wes Dixon has been elected as the new President of O.N.D.R. Inc.

effective Nov. 3/24

Steve Klein served 10 years in that position, and will be going back to his original position as Technical Director

Old- school racing.... as it was in the 50's, 60's and up to 1974. If you have a '74 or older vehicle without NOS or a delay box (see full rules), come see what we have to offer.

(Also: If you have a 1975 to 1985 classic car or truck, we have a class for that now too. Gasoline engines only, fastest allowed times are 11.50 (¼ mi) [7.37 ⅛]. 

Don't have a car ?? ... join us and support us anyway.   --------------------------

There is a point system for our members. Even though fun is the number one rule, we do take competition as a fun portion of the race day. Our day ending campfires are usually well attended too! 

We do several newsletters each season with up to date information and reading material.

Sponsors of the ONDR - support them please

Ontario Nostalgia Drag Racers Inc    Canada is our home

Southern Ontarios longest-running Nostalgia drag race group


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